About Cleveland Corgis

Mac and Jo's Corgi Story

Hello, we are Mac and Jo, a husband and wife who love our Corgis! This website is dedicated to our two corgis Bella and Bungo who were named after hobbits, Belladonna Took and Bungo Baggins, the parents of Bilbo Baggins. Although "Bella" is a common name, "Bungo" seemed silly at first, but it soon grew on us and fits very well, as they both love their creature comforts (like hobbits), but not-so-secretly love their adventures too!

Not a Dog Person?

Before Jo and I got married, she declared that we were going to have a dog. Although I was a cat person and not really into dogs (at the time), I agreed to this prerequisite to marrying her. However, I decided to add a stipulation of my own saying, "If we're going to have a dog, it has to be a corgi." My only reasons being because I thought they were cute, they're medium-small sized, and I liked the corgi "Ein" from the anime Cowboy Bebop. Jo "reluctantly" agreed, as it really wasn't a hard sell because she grew up with a corgi mix named "Bobby" who absolutely adored her, and she him. She decided we would get a puppy.

Triple Clear

Jo, being a conscientious and responsible sort (and a biologist), did a great deal of research before buying her puppy. She learned corgies have some common genetic diseases which debilitate their health and mobility later in life, and so wanted to get a puppy that was clear of these to avoid any of the heartache and suffering that goes along with them. She soon found a breeder in Oklahoma who tested their corgis and they were "triple clear" (meaning they did not have any of the 3 common genetic diseases that affect corgis).

Bella Joins our Family

We got Bella when she was 8 weeks old. Jo drove the 3400 mile round trip to Oklahoma and back with her mother Linda (and unfortunately staying in some questionable hotels along the way) to pick Bella up on 2019-03-23. After Bella arrived, I soon discovered something I'd never known - that I'm BOTH a cat AND dog person. Bella brightened up our lives considerably, and we enjoyed throwing frisbees for her, and taking her on our long drives in the Blue Mountains through the Umatilla National forest, and going camping. She immediately became a faithful and loving campanion who kept the foot of our bed warm, and I decided I wanted, nay, NEEDED another one. This too, was not a hard sell for Jo, as she hoped to become a breeder. And if one corgi was great, two would be better!

Bungo Joins our Family

Jo searched through many listings for corgi puppies, looking for a male corgi that was also "triple clear" of genetic diseases. She found our Bungo with a breeder in Texas, and right after Thanksgiving in 2019, flew down to San Antonio to pick him up. He was the perfrect addition to our family. A sweet little food-monger who loves his tummy rubs, sleeping in the backseet of our truck on our drives, and camping in the woods. Although Bella was (temporarily) larger than him, they soon became playmates, developed a friendship, kept eachother company during the day, and worked together to warm the foot of our bed. Bungo too loved joining us on our drives and camping trips in the mountains.

Bella and Bungo have been wonderful additions to our family and greatly enhanced our lives. We hope you enjoy visiting their website, viewing their pictures, and video, and enjoyed reading our story!

Puppy Bella Puppy Bungo